庆中秋 迎国庆 互竞技 促发展

日期:2012/10/7     来源:chjnews     已阅读:5482 次   返回 关闭  打印

庆中秋 迎国庆 互竞技 促发展

Celebrate Mid Autumn Festival, Welcome National Day, Mutual compete, Promote development”


In order to enrich staff’s spiritual civilization life, enhance department cooperation ability, improve company employees’ internal relationships and promote team's overall combat effectiveness, match was held to give employees a sense of belonging and encourage employees team cohesion.


由中涵机共青团部为主导,工会和党支部支持配合组织开展了“迎中秋、庆国庆”系列活动。各个部门结合各自实际,合理安排时间, 举行了“乒乓球、台球、篮球,拔河,海底捞珍”等比赛,本次活动共有200余名职工参加,精彩的比赛还吸引了众多职工前来围观,达到了缓解职工疲劳情绪、丰富职工精神文化生活的目的。

Coordinated by labor union and party branch, China Hanji youth league organized a series of events called “ Welcome Mid Autumn Festival, Celebrate National Day”. According to the reality, each department scheduled the time and carried out many competitions, such as table tennis, billiards, basketball, tug of war, strive for pearl and so on. More than 200 employees participated in this activity. What is more, the wonderful matches attracted close attention of onlookers surrounded the game. Thus it fully achieved purpose of soothing employees’ fatigue feelings and enriching staff’s spiritual civilization life.


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