
日期:2015/4/24     来源:chjnews     已阅读:3010 次   返回 关闭  打印



        Iraq Exclusive Agency Visiting our Company
        On Apr. 23rd, our Iraq exclusive agency, Mr. Sultan, came to visit our company. Accompanied by the President Mr. Chen Zhong and the Foreign Trade Superviser Nancy Guo. Mr. Sultan makes an on-the-spot investigation and deep insight into our company.
        Mr. Sultan has been to our booth in Canton Fair on April 15th. He appreciates highly of our CHJ brand. In his trip to our factories, Mr. Sultan learns more about the development, the current situation, the products and research achievement of CHJ company. He also probes deeply into our production department to investigate our equipment and production ability. According to the research result, Mr. Sultan shows his prospects for expanding cooperation to achievemutual benefit and reciprocity.

        2015.4.23 وكيلنا الوحيد    سيد ثامر سلطان  واصل الي شزكتنا
ومدير  لقسم التصدير MR chenzhong ثم زار شركتنا  مع صاحب المعنع
MS guoxiaofang

        2015.4.15 GUANGZHOU الزبون كان يجي الي معرضنا في
CHJويمدح مركة البضاعة     . .
ويعارف تاريخ تطوير شركتنا والبضاعة الاخري ونتيجة البحث حتي دخل الي قسم التصنيع لتفتيش اجهزنا وقوة التصنيع   وقال سيزيد جهودالمعاونة في المستقبل  ويتمني ان نناجح  بنجاحة كبيرة


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Chinahanji Power Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer specialist in diesel engine parts.Our major products are Ve Pump,diesel injection parts, diesel nozzle,diesel fuel injection system,and the interrelated products (such as Head Rotor,Feed Pump ,Cam Plate, Drive Shaft , Magnet Valve , etc.),Diesel Plunger(A ,AS,P,PS7100,P8500,MW type, etc.) ,Diesel Nozzle (Dn,DNOPDN,S,SN,PN and so on.),Delivery Valve,Cat Pencil Injectors and so on.